Racketts are the logical (absurd?) extrapolation
of bassoons and kortholts. The Renaissance rackett has nine parallel cylindrical
bores passing through a single piece of wood or ivory, joined at the top
and bottom by the end caps. Fingerholes are drilled through the body to
intersect the various bores at the appropriate place. My racketts (made
by Keith Loraine,
who also makes a great bass shawm) have 11 fingerholes, including both
thumbs and two holes covered by the middle joints of the index fingers:
only the left little finger doesn't close a hole. They play about 1.5 octaves
in fundamentals, and can be overblown for higher pitches. The rackett is
also a double reed instrument, typically equipped with a reed resembling
a short contra reed. Due to the way the bore is folded (and the acoustic
properties of cylindrical bores - ever wonder why a clarinet can go nearly
an octave lower than an oboe of the same size?), one gets an astonishingly
low pitch out of a very small instrument. My contra (great bass) rackett
is 10" tall (14" including the reed and pirouette), and plays in the contrabassoon
range. A quick sample? Here's the lowest C in WAV
or mp3 format (about
38K). The "alto/tenor" size covers the lower end of the bassoon range,
and is about the size of a beer bottle (6" for the body, about 8" with
the reed and pirouette). Here's a few notes (literally) on the alto/tenor
in WAV and mp3
format (about 115K and 128K, respectively). |
A picture of the instruments in question, along with
a favorite beverage for scale. |
Racketts flourished mainly during the Renaissance. A
version was made in the Baroque (I think by Denner) which however used
a conical (bassoon-like) bore instead of a cylindrical bore. It sounds
much like a bassoon or dulcian/curtal (as opposed to the Renaissance rackett,
which sounds more like a giant crumhorn). If you're given to perusing early
music catalogs, you may see it referred to as a "pocket bassoon", or "sausage
bassoon." |