Privacy Policy 

For questions, email me

  • CONTRABASS.COM is a not-for-profit site. 
  • CONTRABASS.COM collects certain information automatically, for purposes of statistics.  This information is collected by my ISP,, which, as far as I know, does not use the information for any purpose other than to generate statistics regarding usage for my personal information.  As far as I know, email addressess are not collected automatically.  This information is used only for purposes of determining how much traffic the site generates, and not for any commercial purpose.  I examine only the aggregate data, for example, how many times a particular page was accessed, and not which individuals or accounts accessed the page.
  • The CONTRABASS.COM website includes links to other websites that are not under my control.  I make no warranty or guarantee regarding the privacy policies of those other websites (and in many cases, have not examined their privacy policies to begin with).  I believe that some links (for example, to Tower Records, CDNow, etc.) keep track of the referring link (i.e., they will know that you arrived at their site from a link at my site).
  • CONTRABASS.COM includes the contrabass email list.  To subscribe to the list you must provide a valid email address: however, no other information is required (other than an election between "immediate" and "digest" formats).  The subscription address is maintained in the system for purposes of sending out the email list to subscribers, and for that purpose ONLY.  The subscriber list is never provided, disclosed, sold, or shared with other parties.  If you participate in the list by submitting messages, those messages will usually be forwarded to all other contrabass list subscribers, and posted publicly in the list archives.  I will usually remove all or part of the email address before archiving, but this is not guaranteed.  Some messages are rejected by the mailing list software as spam: if you think your message has been rejected for this reason, please contact me directly at .  If you wish to contact a subscriber whose address has been elided from the archives, you may contact me, and I will generally attempt to forward your message (again, not guaranteed).
  • CONTRABASS.COM also includes the "sarrusophone for sale" list, which is an announcement-only list for people who have written expressing an interest in acquiring a sarrusophone.  In this case, the only information collected and/or stored is the email address of the interested party.  No digests or archives are maintained at this time.
  • If you have any questions regarding CONTRABASS.COM and its privacy policies, please feel free to contact me at gdgreen or .
  • Enjoy! Home
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