Both instruments are being offered by a collector in Germany, and are expected to go quickly! I received the photographs yesterday (11/17/98). He has not set an asking price. If you are seriously interested, please contact me and I will give you the contact information (I prefer not to post his telephone number, lest he be deluged with calls).
Here are the horns:
1. A Gautrot Marquet sarrusophone, which appears to be an Eb baritone. The bell engraving says "Gautrot Marquet, brevete s.g.d. a Paris <oval cartouche> 43"
2. An Eb contrabass sarrusophone by Couesnon & Cie. The bell engraving says "COUESNON & CIE, FOURNISSEURES DE L'ARMEE, 94 RUE D'ANGOULEME <cartouche> 14177".
3. He also has an Orsi soprano sarrusophone (Bb), for which I do not have pictures.
November 18, 1998